Sample cutting
High-end customization
Short runs cutting of special fabrics
Cutting process of
Various fabrics and flexible synthetic composites, Synthetic fur, double-faced woolen goods, leather, etc
Multifunctional head
Stripes alignment cutting technology
Automatic feeding
Automatic waste cleaning
Great Experienced Team member
Clients Worldwide in 10 Years
StyleCUT Leather Solution
StyleCUT Leather cutting solution: RHINO interactive and automatic optimization of leather surfaces
The system can be configured according to the following process steps: Job management, capture hide contour and quality areas (1.), nesting the templates (2.), automatic cutting (3.) and sorting (4,).
The smallest configuration (prototyping) consists of a cutting table sized to take up one or more hides (depending on area). All the process steps mentioned above are carried out in sequence. The system can be delivered with different table configuration due to customer productivity need.
- Hide capture
- Nesting process
- Cutting
- Sorting of the finished cuts
The hide laid out on the table is scanned with a high resolution camera. This captures the hide contours, the hide structure and all indicated quality symbols for the definition of usable areas (4 Q-zones). Along with the evaluation of the hide illustration, the system stores all the relevant hide parameters in the integrated data base.
The database-supported job management delivers the amount of templates for automatic nesting onto the current hide. The process time of the automatic nesting can be controlled automatically, depending on the cutting time. With particularly sensitive products, the user can either nest via option “beamer nesting” (with multi-function mouse) or place selected cut parts on the screen and then leave optimisation of the remaining usable area to the automatic function.
In the three-table segment configured for high capacities, there are constantly three hides in the overall process (capture, cut, sort), of which one is always cut. Minus the short conveying times, the cutter, as the pacesetter of the system, with a capacity utilisation of over 90 percent, ensures virtually non-stop production.
As soon as the cutter has conveyed the contents of its cutting window to the third table segment, the sorting process can begin. The RHINO system offers a beamer-supported sorting aid as an option.
Disclaimer: The performance characteristics specified herein depend on the individual system usage and on the maintenance prescribed by the manufacturer. The technical content listed in the description may vary in the course of the further development of the system and is therefore not binding.
Need a demo?
Mobile: +48 602 113 541
Digital-Print-Match – fully automated matching solution to cut motif textile printing
StyleCUT Single ply cutting solution: ZEBRA fully automated matching solution to cut motif textile and printing fabric
- Order and database-driven automated cutting of repeat and finely patterned textiles to a degree of automation that has not been previously reached (ZEBRA MATCH)
- Order and database-driven sorting systems (ZEBRA SORT)
- ZEBRA is compatible with all common CAD systems as well as in data exchange with SAP and Oracle merchandise management systems.